Planets And Remedies

Personalized remedies for your chart await with a consultation, with Shivani Jain, the renowned Astrologer and numerologist. She believes that ‘sewa’ has always been an effective way to release karmic blocks and overcome any planetary afflictions or challenging dasha phases in astrology. ‘Sewa’ can take many forms, such as volunteering at a community organization, donating to charitable causes, or providing help and support to those in need. The act of giving back to others is thought to bring balance and harmony to one’s life and can also positively impact the planetary frequencies in one’s chart. Additionally, by engaging in ‘Sewa’, one can not only overcome their own challenges but also contribute to the betterment of the world around them. It is a practice that has been considered as essential for spiritual growth and well-being for many centuries.

My Mantra
Help the needy, Smile every day, and Go with the flow!

‘’A child is born on that day and at that hour when the celestial rays are in mathematical harmony with his individual karma.’’  -Sri Yukteswar, Autobiography of a Yogi.

Unlock your karmic blocks with the power of selfless service, also known as ‘SEWA’. Sewa, also known as selfless service, is a spiritual practice that involves dedicating time and energy to helping others without expectation of reward or recognition.

All About 9 Planets

Sun (Surya)

The Sun represents the soul, ego, authority, and self-confidence. It has a positive effect on one’s health and career, but an afflicted Sun can cause problems with father, health, and authority figures.

Upayas (remedies) for a weak Sun include offering water to the Sun, reciting the Aditya Hridayam, and wearing a Ruby.

Moon (Chandra)

The Sun represents the soul, ego, authority, and self-confidence. It has a positive effect on one’s health and career, but an afflicted Sun can cause problems with father, health, and authority figures.

Upayas (remedies) for a weak Sun include offering water to the Sun, reciting the Aditya Hridayam, and wearing a Ruby.

Mars (Mangal)

The Sun represents the soul, ego, authority, and self-confidence. It has a positive effect on one’s health and career, but an afflicted Sun can cause problems with father, health, and authority figures.

Upayas (remedies) for a weak Sun include offering water to the Sun, reciting the Aditya Hridayam, and wearing a Ruby.

Mercury (Budh)

Mercury represents intelligence, communication, and education. It has a positive effect on one’s intelligence, but an afflicted Mercury can cause problems with communication and education.

Upayas (remedies) for a weak Mercury include reciting the Budh Beej Mantra and wearing an Emerald.

Jupiter (Guru)

Jupiter represents wisdom, knowledge, and wealth. It has a positive effect on one’s wealth and knowledge, but an afflicted Jupiter can cause problems with wisdom, knowledge, and wealth.

Upayas (remedies) for a weak Jupiter include reciting the Guru Beej Mantra and wearing a Yellow Sapphire.

Venus (Shukra)

Venus represents love, relationships, and beauty. It has a positive effect on one’s relationships and beauty, but an afflicted Venus can cause problems with love and relationships.

 Upayas (remedies) for a weak Venus include reciting the Shukra Beej Mantra, and wearing a Diamond OR Zircon stone.

Saturn (Shani)

Saturn represents discipline, responsibility, and hard work. It has a positive effect on one’s discipline and responsibility, but an afflicted Saturn can cause problems with hard work and delay in life.

Upayas (remedies) for a weak Saturn include reciting the Shani Beej Mantra and wearing a Blue Sapphire.


Rahu is a shadow planet that represents the desires and ambitions of an individual. It has a negative effect on one’s life if it is in an afflicted position and can cause problems with relationships, health, and career.

Upayas (remedies) for a weak Rahu include reciting the Rahu Beej Mantra and wearing a Gomed stone.


Ketu is also a shadow planet that represents the karmic past of an individual. It has a negative effect on one’s life if it is in an afflicted position and can cause problems with relationships, health, and career.

Upayas (remedies) for a weak Ketu include reciting the Ketu Beej Mantra and wearing Cat’s Eye or Lehsuniya stone.

Please Note :  The effectiveness of these remedies depends on the individual chart and the specific placement of the planets in question. Consultation with Shivani Jain would be more beneficial for personalized recommendations.

Uranus is associated with sudden change, innovation, and rebellion. It is said to represent the urge for freedom and individuality. When strongly placed in a birth chart, it can indicate a non-conformist or unique individual, who may experience sudden and unexpected changes in their life.

Neptune is associated with spirituality, intuition, and creativity. It is said to represent the collective unconscious and the transcendent aspect of life. It can indicate an individual who is sensitive and intuitive, with a strong connection to the spiritual realm. It can also indicate a potential for deception or illusion in an individual’s life.

It is important to note that these planets are not considered as powerful as the traditional planets in Vedic astrology and their effects are usually considered in conjunction with the traditional planets in a birth chart. Though they are considered in western Astrology for predictions.

However, in astrology, numbers are also believed to play a significant role in shaping a person’s life and influencing their destiny. Each number is thought to have its own unique characteristics and energies that can affect a person’s personality, relationships, and other aspects of their life.

  • Number 1 is associated with the Sun and is considered to be a symbol of leadership, independence, and self-motivation. People with a strong number 1 influence are believed to be confident, ambitious, and ambitious.
  • Number 2 is associated with the Moon and is considered to be a symbol of intuition, emotion, and sensitivity. People with a strong number 2 influence are believed to be intuitive, empathetic, and sensitive to the needs of others.
  • Number 3 is associated with Jupiter and is considered to be a symbol of growth, expansion, and optimism. People with a strong number 3 influence are believed to be optimistic, ambitious, and always striving for growth and expansion in their lives.
  • Number 4 is associated with Rahu and is considered to be a symbol of transformation and upheaval. People with a strong number 4 influence are believed to be determined, ambitious and capable of handling difficult situations.
  • Number 5 is associated with Mercury and is considered to be a symbol of intelligence, curiosity, and communication. People with a strong number 5 influence are believed to be intelligent, curious, and skilled communicators.
  • Number 6 is associated with Venus and is considered to be a symbol of love, beauty, and harmony. People with a strong number 6 influence are believed to be romantic, loving, and passionate about creating beauty and harmony in their lives.
  • Number 7 is associated with Ketu and is considered to be a symbol of spirituality, introspection, and wisdom. People with a strong number 7 influence are believed to be spiritual, introspective, and wise.
  • Number 8 is associated with Saturn and is considered to be a symbol of discipline, hard work, and responsibility. People with a strong number 8 influence are believed to be disciplined, hardworking, and responsible.
  • Number 9 is associated with Mars and is considered to be a symbol of energy, passion, and courage. People with a strong number 9 influence are believed to be energetic, passionate, and courageous.

It is important to note that these are just basic remedies and characteristics associated with the planets and numbers.
Contact me for more personalized and accurate analysis of the energies and influences that play in your life.

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